Network Visibility: The who, what, when and where of network traffic

The Coronavirus pandemic has accelerated modernization and cloud adoption to support the massive shift of the federal workforce to telework. The rapid adoption of cloud-based services and solutions and an explosion of new endpoints accessing agency networks during the pandemic generated an even greater need for visibility into the who, what, when and where of network traffic.

Riverbed commissioned research firm Market Connections to develop and conduct a custom blind online survey of 200 federal government IT decision makers and influencers from across the United States in August and September 2020. The study was designed to assess the state and impact of network visibility on performance, productivity and security in increasingly complex federal network environments.

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Telework Accelerated Network Visibility Requirements

81% of survey respondents noted that the increasing use of telework accelerated their agency’s use and deployment of network visibility solutions.

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Visibility Enables Cloud Infrastructure

85% of respondents recognize that network visibility is a strong or moderate enabler of cloud infrastructure.


Visibility Facilitates Security

93% of respondents believe that greater network visibility facilitates greater network security.


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